
If you or a loved one need immediate assistance with an alcohol-related problem and you are located in Humboldt or Del Norte county, please call the 24-hour Answering Service number listed on our home page and ask to speak with someone. If the situation appears life threatening, please call 911 first. The contact information provided on this website is not intended as a substitute for face-to-face contact at regular AA meetings. This website is not in any way capable of providing traditional alcohol rehabilitation and recovery services; neither can it provide immediate help/emergency medical assistance, nor is the District capable of providing such assistance. Please note this website cannot and does not answer 12-step calls through email communications – we are not equipped to offer that type of service. This website is a passive information source.

The AA Meetings Page found on this website is updated as soon as practical upon receipt of new or changed meeting information. The hard copy edition of the Meetings Directory for Humboldt and Del Norte Counties is updated quarterly and may not contain the most recent information. Any corrections, additions, or deletions to the AA Meetings Directory may be submitted to Website and Directories by following the link on the contact page. Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained within these pages; however, no guarantee is expressed nor implied. A printed meeting schedule for Humboldt and Del Norte counties is  available locally at 335 E Street, Eureka, California 95501, Tuesday through Saturday between 10:30am and 5:00pm. Printed meeting schedules are also available at regular AA meetings throughout Humboldt and Del Norte Counties.

This website is neither endorsed nor approved by Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc. It is provided and maintained by General Service District 15 of Area 06 of California Northern Coastal Area of Alcoholics Anonymous, and is not representative of Alcoholics Anonymous as a whole.

General Service District 15 neither endorses, approves, nor affiliates with any website to which it provides a link, nor with any website that may choose to provide a link to this website.

Alcoholics Anonymous®, AA®, Alcoholics Anonymous and The Big Book® are registered trademarks and service marks of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc. The Grapevine® and AA Grapevine are registered trademarks of The AA Grapevine, Inc. Such trademarks, copyrights, and service marks as may be displayed on this website are used with the permission of the owners.

Alcoholics Anonymous General Service Office/World Services Headquarters is located at:

Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc.
P.O. Box 459
Grand Central Station
New York, NY 10163
(212) 870-3400